BELIEF is a European project co-financed by the European Commission under the Intelligent Energy Europe programme. BELIEF promotes the Sustainable Energy Communities concept at a European scale, whereby the creation of Local Intelligent Energy Forums and Sustainable Energy Action Plans in 20 communities from 11 European countries will be demonstrated. The experience and knowledge gained by these communities will be transferred to other European local authorities including EU New Member States and Candidate Countries.
BELIEF: a new way for intelligent energy
On 30 July 2006 during the handing over of the BLUE flag by the Foundation of Environmental Education to the city of Rimini, the new Environmental Affairs councillor Mr Andrea Zanzini, deputy-mayor Mr Maurizio Melucci, Provincial councillor Mr Cesarino Romani and the president of Italian Fee organisation Mr Marino, officially launched Rimini’s participation in the BELIEF Project.
Presentation took place in a very original location: on the beach next to the first eco-sustainable site where water for showers is re-used to irrigate small gardens (more than 5,000 litres/day) and for flushing toilettes. Electricity for pumps and plants is powered from Photovoltaic roof cells and hot water for shower is produced by solar heating.
Hundreds of people (citizens and a lot of tourists) participated in the event and supported the initiative. Mr. Zanzini underlined that to “create a sustainable community†is one of the priorities for Rimini’s Administration and could only be realised through a co-operation between the local actors and the Public Administration with an intelligent use of energy: that means using renewable energy sources, but first we must save energy and promote an efficient use of it! For this reason we will start in September with the first forum of the BELIEF Project on “Financial resources for Intelligent Energy†and a strong information campaign on “Intelligent use of energyâ€.